
75 Best Software Testing Blogs

Where to find the tester’s corner of the internet

When we’re not testing, we love to keep learning new skills, strategies, approaches, etc. and participate in discussions with the test community.

So, we’ve scoured the web, searching high and low for the greatest testing blogs, from those by junior testers to senior test consultants, tool vendors, developers, etc and compiled one gigantic list. Some of the sites are very wide in scope, and others are more specifically geared toward certain topics. Here’s 75 of the best software testing blogs we’ve encountered thus far, listed in alphabetical order.

(Psssttt… never miss an update from these blogs, follow this list we made on Twitter!)

75 of the Best Software Testing Blogs and Websites

1. Abstracta 

How crazy… the first blog that appears on our list is the one that brings you this post! We blog weekly about topics like testing in CI/CD, performance engineering, automation, DevOps, tool reviews, and more.

2. Adventures in Automation

TJ Maher, a tester, Techbeacon contributor, and Ministry of Testing Boston Organizer created his blog for manual testers looking to make the switch to automation. Browse his table of contents to easily navigate or check out posts from various categories ranging from “beginner” to “Appium” to “code examples” and more!

3. Agile Testing

Agile Testing is run and owned by Grig Gheorghiu. He brings his engineering expertise to topics like performance and load testing, monitoring, and all things Agile. This site is great for when you’re looking for very technical explanations.

4. Agile Testing Days Blog

Agile Testing Days is a testing festival (aka conference) in Europe that has also spread to the US (we’ll be attending Agile Testing Days USA this year). Visit the blog to see what some of the conferences’ speakers have to say about Agile Testing, who to keep an eye on in the industry, and more!


Angie Jones is a senior automation engineer at Twitter who is also a master inventor with over 25 patents in the US and China. A frequent conference speaker and thought leader, she blogs about trends in automation, how to become an automation engineer, testing conferences, and more.

6. Applitools

One of our partners here at Abstracta, Applitools, offers the only commercial-grade, visual AI-based cloud engine that validates all the visual aspects of any web, mobile and native app in a fully automated way. Its blog features news about the product and posts from several industry thought leaders. It’s a must read for anyone interested in modern software testing practices!

7. Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin co-authored the “textbook” of Agile testing, Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams. Her blog features not only a wealth of information about Agile testing, but you can also see pictures of her and her miniature donkeys, yes donkeys!

8. Angry Weasel

Every Friday, Angry Weasel (aka Alan Page, Director of Quality Services at Unity Technologies) shares five things he is either reading, thinking about, or doing. Where does the name Angry Weasel come from? It’s an idea for the name of his old band for which he owned the domain and decided to resurrect it in the form of a testing blog!

9. AskTester

We’ve watched this blog blossom in the past few years. A creation of Thanh Huynh, this site provides a plethora of resources to help you test better from beginner guides, online resources, guest posts, and a dash of humor!

10. A Tester’s Journey

Elisabeth Hocke is a self-described “agile tester, sociotechnical symmathecist, team glue, volleyball player, and game lover” who speaks at several testing meetups and conferences. Her blog is filled with insightful takeaways from these events.

11. Association for Software Testing

If you hold a self-aware, self-critical attitude toward testing, then you’ll want to follow the Association for Software Testing’s blog. Their content takes a scientific approach to developing and evaluating techniques, processes, and tools.

12. Automation Awesomeness

A test automation architect from Rhode Island, Joe Colantonio uses his blog to help others reach their testing goals as well as learn from his automation wins and failures. Not only does he blog, but he hosts webinars, podcasts, and created online conferences for testers.

13. Automate the Planet

Created by Anton Angelov, Automate the Planet is a site to help those who are still only testing manually to embrace automation, and to do so with success! From the blog, you can read all about design architecture, design patterns, tools, DevOps and CI, and more.

14. BlazeMeter

BlazeMeter’s blog is THE virtual encyclopedia for everything you need to know about load testing and JMeter. Everything a tester or developer might want to know about performance can be found here

15. Cartoon Tester

While this blog hasn’t been updated for a few years, you can still enjoy these fun cartoons by Andy Glover that illustrate the life of a tester, the nature of bugs in software, and more!

16. Chris Kenst

A test engineer at Laurel & Wolf, Chris is also a testing teacher and a Master Scuba Dive Trainer. His blog is full of interesting insights from his experiences as a tester. You can also check out his resources page for great reads, conferences to go to, templates, tools, and more.

17. Creating Software- A Sisyphean Task?

For those of you who don’t know what a sisyphean task is, (we didn’t know what it meant either), it means a task that is never ending. Most testers would agree wholeheartedly that software testing never ends as long as the software is being used! Adam Knight writes in his blog about testing, personal experiences he’s had, soft skills, and more.

18. CrossBrowserTesting

CrossBrowserTesting is a SmartBear company whose tool helps testers run manual, visual, and selenium tests in the cloud on 1500+ real desktop and mobile browsers. In the CrossBrowserTesting blog, you can find a treasure trove of information on test automation, development, UX/UI, and more.

19. Curious Tester

The Curious Tester, aka Parimala Hariprasad, has 15 years of experience working in various roles with a successful track record in leadership, product management, user experience, setting up independent practices (UX, QA), tinkering with boutique startups and coaching. See her blog for great insights on all the above!

20. DevelopSense Blog

If you only read one or two software testing blogs per year, make sure to check out this one by Michael Bolton, a co-creator of the Rapid Software Testing Methodology, one of the most sought after training programs in testing. In the DevelopSense blog, you can read all about Bolton’s philosophy on testing and how he approaches the profession.

21. DZone

While not solely dedicated to testing, DZone is a great, centralized hub to read about testing and development from multiple sources. A technical library, members can access free articles, guides, and cheat sheets across 14 “zones” or areas of interest from AI to web dev and everything between.

22. Test Huddle

Test Huddle is an online resource for Europe’s largest testing conference, EuroSTAR. In the blog, you can find articles about every aspect of testing from a wide range of contributors.

23. Evil Tester

The Evil Tester, (aka Alan Richardson) helps teams to deliver, automate and test better with his special blend of skill, attitude, and pragmatism. You can find several how-to’s on his blog, several of them accompanied by helpful videos.

24. Gerald Weinberg’s Secrets of Writing and Consulting

A famous computer scientist and pioneer, Weinberg has published more than 40 books and more than 400 articles in which he incorporates his knowledge of science, engineering, and human behavior. He started his career as the architect for the Project Mercury’s space tracking network and the designer of the world’s first multiprogrammed operating system. You won’t want to miss his thoughts here.

25. Gil Tayar 

“Test all software! And lots of love” This positive blog is packed with practical guidance on how to test front-end code. You can even save time searching for the best articles by checking out the curated list of testing posts every 2 months.

26. Google Testing Blog

Ever wonder what the tech monolith thinks about test automation? Unit testing? Code smell? The Google Testing Blog is a great outlet that Google’s testers use to share their insights and reveal how they go about testing their products.

27. Gurock

Gurock is the creator of one of our favorite test case management softwares, TestRail. We find ourselves tweeting its blog posts all the time! The Gurock Quality Hub is dedicated to software quality, QA, testing and security with over 34,000 subscribers.

28. Hiccupps

Do testers need bugs? James Thomas poses questions like this in his blog while also sharing learnings from events and fun sketch notes he makes.

29. Investigating Software

Manumation, randomization, gamification… learn what these all have to do with testing in Pete Houghton’s blog on thinking like a tester. Houghton has helped companies including BP, Sky-TV, John Lewis, the BBC, the Financial Times & BBC Worldwide find out more about the risks they face and help their teams deliver better quality products more quickly.

30. I’m a Little Tester

In her blog, Corina Pip posts about testing with Java, Selenium, TestNG, Maven, Spring, IntelliJ and more. And, she doesn’t only blog about testing! Check out her other blog, The Turquoise Coconut where she writes about travel, food, and photography.

31. James Bach

One of the most influential testers to this day, James Bach takes a fascinating stance on almost everything testing related and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He is the co-creator of Rapid Software Testing with Michael Bolton and a brilliant writer. Do not skip this blog!  

32. Janet Gregory

Co-author of Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin, Janet also maintains a blog in which she reviews books related to testing, shares her experiences and findings, etc. If you want to learn from the best, you’ve got to read from her.

33. Jason Arbon

Looking for testing articles focused on AI and automation? Look no further! Jason Arbon’s blog explores the blend between humans and machines. He answers the big questions, like “What stops AI from destroying us?”

34. Katrina Tester

A kiwi and a female tester, Katrina is highly active in the testing community and a thought leader who has spoken at several conferences and published a book, “A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps.” We are great fans of her work and share her blog posts often.

35. Kinga Witko

“To tell somebody that he is wrong is called criticism. To do so officially is called testing.” Kinga’s blog is atypical from other testing blogs, as she makes her posts fun to read with a creative design, excellent use of memes and GIFs and a unique approach to explaining things.

36. Knightly Builds

In this blog, Simon Knighty, tester turned product manager at Gurock shares content every Monday. His posts feature thoughtful quotations, articles, and day-to-day musings.

37. Maaret Pyhäjärvi

Maaret takes a look into her “crystal ball” to imagine the future of testing while also looking and the past and present. She uses her blog as a way to continue to learn, and in that way, helps her readers learn as well!

38. Maverick Tester

Maverick Tester is the blog of Anne-Marie Charrett, an internationally recognized expert in software testing and quality engineering based in Sydney Australia. Besides her blog, check out her program, Speak Easy, dedicated to helping increase diversity in tech conferences.

39. Ministry of Testing

When it comes to testing resources, the Ministry of Testing is the motherload. Most of the blogs on this list appear within the community and in the testing feeds section. If you are looking to become a better tester, go to conferences to meet other testers, gain a new skill, etc, this is the place for you!  

40. Mr. Slavchev

This blog, a.k.a. “The cave of the tester troll,” is where Mr. Slavchev goes to ruminate testing, especially the scientific aspects and also the critical thinking involved.  

41. Mysoftwarequality

From Ireland, Augusto Evangelistini dreams of organizations where people are empowered to deliver products that matter. Joyful organizations. His blog touches on different areas in testing, seeking to bring empathy into knowledge work!

42. New Relic

New Relic is an application performance monitoring tool with over 15,000 customers both large and small. You can visit the New Relic blog for the latest news, tips, and insights for everything in the world of New Relic and digital intelligence.

43. Offbeat Testing

Dave Westerveld is a highly technical tester who uses his blog to continue learning and shares his thoughts and experiences in a fun way. He relates testing to daily life in several posts, to get us to think out of the box.

44. QA Intelligence by Practitest

A referential blog on testing, one of the highlights is its annual surveys and reports on the state of testing which help us to get a better sense of how testing is doing on the ground today, across organizations all over the world

45. QASymphony

This blog regularly publishes content on testing tools, events, and test automation. You can filter posts based on your role, the challenge you’re facing as well as the author and category, making this blog a breeze to navigate.

46. Richr Testing

Another Aussie who makes the list, Rich Rogers, has one of the most popular software testing blogs and is the author of “Changing Times: Quality for Humans in the Digital Age.”

47. SauceLabs

A master of continuous testing in the software development world, SauceLabs’ blog offers tremendous insights on automation, CI/CD, events, and more.

48. SDTimes

SDTimes is a great place to get news across all areas of tech and software development, not just testing. Never be in the dark with this resource!

49. SmartBear

SmartBear has a whole suite of tools to help make testers’ lives easier and shares good practices and methodologies in its blog.

50. Software Testing Club

Not a blog, this site is an online “club” by the Ministry of Testing. Here you can interact with other testers about different areas of testing, mentoring, events, and there’s even a place for ranting. If you feel like being social, this is the place for you.

51. Software Testing Help

This site is “the biggest resource of software testing books, software testing templates, QA testing interview questions and answers, testing QA training, automation testing tools, software testing tutorials, software testing pdf, software testing material, QA videos, software testing certification guides.” Need we say more?

52. Software Testing Magazine

Software Testing Magazine is a free website dedicated to present articles, blog posts, book reviews, tools, news and videos and other resources about unit testing, integration testing, functional or acceptance testing, load or performance testing, bug tracking, test management in software development projects.

53. Software Testing Tricks

How to test a microwave? How to test a pen? How to test a water bottle? You probably never wondered these questions. Software Testing Tricks explores these questions and challenges you to be the best tester you can be.

54. StickyMinds

A high quality testing magazine, you’ll find some of the most unique articles, interviews, and videos by some of the biggest names in testing. Members can also access resources like white papers and downloads.

55. TechBeacon

From development and testing to security, this digital hub by software development and IT operations professionals covers the whole gamut.

56. Tech Target

Tech Target, or, is an online community for developers, architects and executives interested in building high-quality software, or are involved in software project management, software testing and quality assurance (QA), application performance management (APM), application lifecycle management (ALM), plus many more related topics.

57. TestLodge

An online test case management tool, the TestLodge blog is great for junior testers or non-testers alike looking for explanations of the basic terms and concepts in testing.

58. Tester Stories

Does anything sound more “testy” to you than the subtitle of this blog by Jeff Nyman?: “TWICE UPON A TIME, IN ANOTHER SPACE, NO DISTANCE IN ANY DIRECTION FROM HERE …” Enough said.

59. Testing Curator

A very helpful resource for building this list, the Testing Curator, aka Matt Hutchison, finds some of the best and even most obscure articles about testing and shares a new batch called “Testing Bits” each week of his favorite ones. Thank you Testing Curator!

60. Testing is Believing

Check out this blog for nuggets of wisdom in testing guides and models. Each post is topped with hilarious memes featuring characters from Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.

61. Test With Nishi 

Read all about software testing, Agile, DevOps, certifications, events… all from the eyes of Nishi, a consulting corporate trainer, Agile enthusiast and a Software tester at heart!

62. Testzius

Testzius, by Michael Fritzius, is a blog that’s always helpful and never boring! He shares his thoughts from in the shower, or on epic fails, throwdowns, theory, and more.

63. The Life of One Man

The writer behind The Life of One Man gives practical advice for being better testers, managing one’s career, honing soft skills, etc. It may just be thoughts of “one man,” but they are worth a read!

64. The Pragmatic Tester

Nicky West is a self-described “IT all-rounder” who has been testing for ten years now, with prior experience in development and business analysis. From her blog, you can learn how to get rid of step by step test cases, how to write valuable unit tests, and more!

65. Think Like a Tester 

Currently a QA Lead at Paylocity, Kristin Jackovny writes to help us “think like a tester.” Her blog is filled with how-to’s ranging from setting up Maven to testing APIs with Postman.

66. Think Testing 

Trevor Atkins has been involved in 100’s of software projects over the last 20+ years and writes in his blog, ThinkTesting, about how to think through testing. Some of his blog categories include agile testing, team building, automation and tools, and more!

67. Thomas Crabtree

“IT, learning, testing and stuff,” the subtitle of Thomas Crabtree’s blog says it all.

68. Thoughts on Testing

Darryn Downey’s blog is definitely not a downer. Try to say that 5 times! Thoughts on Testing shares entertaining posts on testing, while sprinkling in some great pop culture references.

69. ThoughtWorks Software Testing Blog

A champion for positioning testing as a core development activity, ThoughtWorks’ software testing blog is full of enticing resources that are just too good to ignore with some of the best minds in testing who contribute.

70. Trish Koo

A former engineering manager at Google, Trish is an Aussie and a global leader in the software testing space having given keynotes, workshops and talks all around the world. What we appreciate most about her blog are the many hand-drawn illustrations that go with her posts.

71. Usersnap

With Usersnap’s blog, it’s all about collecting user feedback early in the dev process and better tracking of bugs. Learn how to be a more effective as a development team from communication, and motivation to the more technical aspects.

72. Viv Richards

Meet Viv Richards. This self-proclaimed TDT (Tea Drinking Tester) recently made the move from software developer to tester. Follow his blog to learn about testing topics like postman API testing, automating visual regression testing, and perhaps advice for tea and test pairings.

73. WarpTest

Stay current on the most cutting edge of technology from augmented reality to wearables to Windows Mobile thanks to Warptest who also elucidates their point of view on each topic.

74. Women Testers

Women Testers is a quarterly e-publication by women testers, for women testers from all over the world to bring out the best in one another. Each publication features exclusive articles by ladies who test and who often speak about their experiences at conferences. You can also find events, jobs, and conferences on the website.

75. 5blogs

A delight to visit on a daily basis, the concept of this blog is very simple. The owner shares 5 of other people’s blogs they’ve read that day spanning several topics from testing to productivity.

Closing Notes

If we missed any blog that you love, let us know in the comments!

Also, as many of our testers are from Uruguay, we also know all of the best blogs, resources, etc in the Spanish speaking testing community. Check out Federico Toledo’s list of best Spanish software testing websites.

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  1. May 15, 2021 at 6:49 am

    I Really Like this Blog. Keep Sharing.!

  2. May 11, 2021 at 6:27 am

    Nice Suggestion. I really like this,

  3. May 6, 2021 at 5:55 am

    Good list of blogs for all beginners who wants to start their career in Software Testing.

  4. July 24, 2020 at 6:40 am

    Very useful post and I think it is rather easy to see from the other comments as well that this post is well written and useful.Keep up the good work

  5. July 20, 2020 at 6:30 am

    Hey Kalei,
    Great collection of software testing blogs.very informative content I really enjoy it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. October 29, 2019 at 5:28 am

    Awesome article Kalei

  7. July 12, 2019 at 5:13 pm

    I think that you would like Lighthouse Technologies!

  8. June 14, 2019 at 2:54 pm

    I would also check Lighthouse Technologies for some awesome blogs on software testing!

  9. May 13, 2019 at 6:45 am

    Good list has provided it would be really helpful to information seekers for software development and testers

  10. January 29, 2019 at 12:53 pm

    Really such a nice article for all beginners who wants to start their career in Software Testing.

  11. January 29, 2019 at 11:06 am

    Nice post.
    Thank you for sharing a informative information with us.

  12. January 28, 2019 at 12:32 pm

    Thank you for providing this list.

  13. September 27, 2018 at 9:58 am

    Thanks for sharing websites and blog very helpful i have start my carrier

  14. July 28, 2018 at 2:14 am

    We would like to share about our portal though not blowing our own whistle that we are good. #worlds #fastest #growing #sqa #webinars #platform

  15. July 27, 2018 at 8:53 am

    The Cucumber blog, including links to their awesome podcasts:

  16. May 3, 2018 at 5:36 pm,

    1. Sofia Palamarchuk
      May 4, 2018 at 4:59 pm

      Great suggestions! Thank you 🙂

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