
White Paper: 10 Mistakes Companies Make When Outsourcing Software Testing

Outsourcing Software Testing Do’s and Don’ts

With software testing accounting for 35% of IT budgets in 2015 (according to the World Quality report 2015-2016), it’s clear that managers are looking to maximize their test spend, making the most of each dollar by testing as efficiently and effectively as possible. Obstacles that many managers report experiencing when trying to release new systems are their reliance on manual testing and lacking the tools, time, expertise, etc., needed to test thoroughly.

Outsourcing is a smart solution because you don’t have to go through the hassles of recruiting, hiring, training, purchasing tools, and the like. When you leave testing to experts in the field, you reduce business risk and obtain higher quality testing. The best part is that you have more time to focus on what you do best. That is if all goes well. 

What You Will Learn:

✓ Mistakes to avoid in order to select the optimal outsourcing partner

✓ Tips for how to and not to work with the outsourced team to ensure project success

✓ How to retain the outsourced software testing team for future projects

And more!

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  3. March 4, 2016 at 7:03 pm

    How do I download the white paper?

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