Having an alliance with Datadog will enable us to enhance our observability capacity through its infrastructure monitoring and analysis tools. This way, we will offer more comprehensive solutions to our clients, and expand our positioning. Discover more benefits of our partnership in this article!
Observability is crucial to achieving quality software development. Datadog offers real-time infrastructure monitoring and analysis solutions, allowing us to improve our services in Abstracta, especially in terms of performance, security, and incident resolution in production.
Thanks to our partnership, we will have the opportunity to provide our customers with more complete solutions and first-class products, with greater efficiency and quality of work. In addition, we will support Datadog’s growth in Latin America and provide software testing support to its customers.
On this path, at Abstracta and Datadog we plan to position ourselves jointly in everything related to DevOps, performance, security, and observability. Our union opens new opportunities for both companies. It will allow us to generate new learnings, deepen our knowledge, explore business opportunities together, and empower each other.
Context and Challenges
Since our beginnings, at Abstracta we have been running performance tests. As part of that work, we had the opportunity to analyze and optimize systems of various kinds. To do so, we rely on a multitude of tools: from the most basic, such as metrics provided by operating systems, to the most complex, such as internally developed tools that obtain specific metrics of the applications under test.
Personally, the first time I used an APM (Application Performance Management) tool was a turning point in my way of working. With the implementation in Cloud, microservices, and external dependencies, this type of tool facilitates the navigation and understanding of monitoring information in a very advanced way.
As Abstracta’s Chief Quality Officer, I consider Datadog to be probably one of the best tools available in this sector. Why? Because it incorporates the functionalities of an APM and complements them with a wide variety of other aspects. This makes it a powerful observability tool.
In the digital era, with continuous delivery, continuous integration, and agile teams, new challenges arise every day. Software is becoming more complex, systems have more components and elements to monitor or analyze, and it is more difficult to perform software testing on absolutely everything.
In this context, it is essential to be able to know the architecture and technology of the systems, to understand where we need to pay attention. Observability is key to being able to perform more analysis in different parts of the systems and in all the necessary aspects.
This way, we can prepare ourselves for possible problems that might arise and we couldn’t anticipate our testing processes. These unknowns, which we could consider part of the so-called blind spots or “unknown unknowns”, are one of the biggest challenges when it comes to creating quality software.
Being able to leverage Datadog’s real-time infrastructure monitoring and analysis solutions will enable us to enhance our observability capacity, meaning our ability to observe and respond.
Mutual Benefits
What benefits will we obtain in Abstracta?
✅First-hand collaboration and support from Datadog team professionals.
✅Access to their learning and certification platforms, and the possibility of expanding their use to our clients.
✅Opportunities to work for companies throughout Latin America and the United States, on client projects that are adopting Datadog or need support from our services.
✅Joint dissemination, and collaboration in events.
How will Datadog benefit?
✅Collaboration with specialist performance testers from the Abstracta team. They will be able to complement Datadog’s offering and thus provide more complete solutions to their customers.
✅Greater positioning in the area of quality in general, and in particular in performance testing in Latin America and the United States, thanks to Abstracta’s already consolidated position.
✅Joint dissemination, and collaboration in events.
✅Local service and invoicing.
✅ Dedicated professional services.
✅ Dashboard creation, DevOps, and unified observability platform.
Shared Values and Purposes
Collaborative work, knowledge extension, community building, technical excellence, innovation, and continuous learning. We share a number of values and purposes that make our alliance stronger.
Datadog is an innovative product, focused on modern and massive technologies, which means that it can generate a great impact. It focuses on facilitating teamwork and collaboration for problem-solving.
For example, instead of resolving incidents in a “war room”, they propose to look for other ways of resolving them, with more peace of mind. This way, they seek to always focus on their customers, as well as on the technical excellence of their solutions.
Likewise, at Abstracta we encourage collaborative work through different internal work systems and agile methodologies. This allows us to create work environments with a focus on mutual care while using cutting-edge technologies and seeking continuous improvement of our processes.
Both Datadog and Abstracta have achieved our growth thanks to the generation of collaborative ecosystems of work with different organizations and referents. Seeking to create a productive, sustainable, and scalable network, with the purpose of mutual development and growth.
How did we do this? By generating opportunities for collaboration, sharing knowledge and technologies, generating strategic alliances, and striving to build community.
Datadog provides a very complete learning platform and has published books and articles of very good quality. It also has a vast amount of audiovisual materials that encourage and facilitate learning, not only of the tool but also of the most fundamental concepts in observability and software development.
Similarly, at Abstracta, we work every day to extend access to knowledge by creating and participating in various social initiatives in which we provide access to our Abstracta Academy courses and publish articles.
In 2014, we published the first book in Spanish on software testing. In 2022, we collaborated with the organization of the WOPR29 and founded the Quality Sense Conf. Year after year, we share our knowledge through Abstracta Academy, Quality Sense and The Everything Else podcasts, and other channels.
Would you like to explore Observability more in depth? Take a listen to this episode of Quality Sense Podcast, where I interview Lisa Crispin. She is the co-founder of the Agile Test Fellowship with Janet Gregory and the author of numerous influential books on agile testing.
Would you like to know who our partners are today? Find out here.
For more information about the partnership visit Datadog!
Looking for a partner to improve the observability of your systems? Abstracta is one of the most trusted companies in software quality engineering. Learn more about our solutions here and understand why we have received such praise. Contact us to discuss how we can help you grow your business.
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Federico Toledo
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