
Abstracta Ranked as a Top QA & Software Testing Company on TechReviewer

techreviewer badgeAccording to CompTIA, there are more than 525,000 software and IT services companies in the United States (approximately 40,500 tech startups were established in 2018 alone). It was fantastic news then, when we learned that Abstracta has been ranked as a top provider in our particular area of IT services, software testing, by a technology analytics firm.

The market analytics hub, TechReviewer, placed Abstracta at number four on its list of leading providers of software testing services in 2020.

This is our first mention by TechReviewer and we will do our very best to stay on their radar in in the future. As for the factors determining the ranking, TechReviewer highlights having in-depth expertise and delivering services based on proven methodologies.

tech reviewer abstracta listing
TechReviewer Top QA & Software Testing Companies

For 12 years, Abstracta has provided software testing services to startups to Fortune 500 companies across the healthcare, financial, technology, and e-commerce industries globally.

By continuously researching new technologies, contributing to the open source community, and seeking continuous improvement, we’ve been able to deliver high quality services and co-create winning technologies with our clients and partners.

We are thankful to the TechReviewer team for recognizing us as a leading software testing company. We also must thank our fantastic clients whose support has helped us to be mentioned in the list.

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