Q&A with Lisa Crispin: Behavior-Driven Development and Continuous Delivery
In our recent webinar, you asked… Lisa answered! This month, we had the opportunity to have Lisa Crispin present her and George Dinwiddie’s ideas about BDD and CD; mainly how BDD can shorten feedback loops, how CD impacts BDD and things your team can try….
Webinar: BDD and CD with Lisa Crispin
Lisa shares why and how to align behavior-driven development and continuous delivery for better outcomes Continuous delivery (CD) is all about delivering small changes to customers frequently and without strain or stress for the team. A big part of this involves enabling shared understanding across…
A Guide to Good Cucumber Practices
BDD is a development strategy, and even if you do not follow this practice, we find it beneficial to use Cucumber (or a similar tool) since it “forces you” to document your automated tests before implementing them. It’s fundamental that these tests be made clear to a user…
What is BDD and What Does it Mean for Testers?
A development strategy that makes sense for both your business team and tech team Behavior Driven Development (BDD), as its name indicates, is not a testing technique, but rather a development strategy (as well as TDD, which is test driven development). What it proposes is…
Test Automation Patterns and Good Practices
How to make sure your test automation not only makes your team move faster, but in the right direction. By Matias Fornara and Alejandro Berardinelli Test automation, or automating the execution of your tests, provides several advantages: it saves your team time, resources, and the…