
#Hiring Do you want to work at Abstracta?

If you are thinking about applying to work at Abstracta, we invite you to read this article to know in detail the whole process and our company culture. We also offer you valuable tools to achieve a fruitful experience, whether you have no experience in the IT universe or you already have a solid career.

We are convinced that transparency and knowledge of the organizational culture are key to reducing uncertainties so that we can choose each other.

Abstracta’s growth beats to the rhythm of the individual and collective development of our members. Positively impacting the lives of our people is above all else. It is at the heart of our culture. And the recruitment process is an intrinsic part of it. 

As our Chief Culture Officer Vera Babat outlined: “At Abstracta we promote a company culture of mutual care and commitment. Knowing and contemplating the needs of each person who is part of the group is challenging, but being part of a community through which one is part of something bigger merits the efforts”.

For all these reasons, today we tell you in detail all about the journey you can start going through after sending us your CV. To help you better prepare for the different stages, and that you have the best possible experience in each of them.

✔️First step: contact us. 

The first stage starts when you send us your CV and your Linkedin profile. Here, it is important for us that you tell us why you would like to work at Abstracta, what are your main motivations.

✔️Second step: personal introduction 

When we contact you for the first time, we will tell you what role we might consider your profile for and we will share with you the links to our social media profiles.

Beyond your CV, we are interested in getting to know you, to know what motivates you. Therefore, we will ask you for a presentation in which you tell us about yourself, and a short essay to evaluate your English level.

✔️Third stage: interview with People Care

It’s time to get to know each other personally. Depending on where you live, we will conduct the interview in person or virtually.

At this stage, we will ask you about your interests, motivations and work experience. We would also like to have a conversation in English, to know your oral level.

We will tell you more about Abstracta, what we do and how we do it. We will ask you about your salary expectations, to evaluate if we can align ourselves. At this point, it is important to clarify that we will be able to make an analysis of the possible economic proposal only at a later stage. 

Fair and competitive salaries

At Abstracta we have developed two interconnected tools to determine fair and competitive salaries, without gaps or biases of any kind. The first is our roadmap, in which we capture all viable roles within the company, with different levels of seniority.

Each of the roles has different possible salaries, which depend on the development of different highlights. They include bilingual communication skills, continuous learning and training, membership and sense of belonging, intellectual humility and generosity of knowledge.

The second tool we developed is called Scale. It is a salary calculator in which we enter each person’s seniority level and highlights. With the combination of these data, added to the base and ceiling predetermined for each role, the platform performs mathematical calculations and offers the result of a fair salary.

We invite you to read more about it in this article.

✔️Fourth stage: technical evaluation.

If the first meeting was successful, we will send you an email with a test proposal to evaluate your technical knowledge. The test will consist of several parts, validating your skills and experiences in terms of tools, methodologies and problem solving. 

⚠️Recommended tools for this instance

🛑For functional testers

Testing exploratorio

Cobertura de pruebas

Testing de usabilidad

Mindmaps para testing

Testing en cascada 

Testers en Scrum

Historias de usuarios contadas por testers

🛑For technical testers (automation or performance)

Pruebas automatizadas

Cuándo automatizar una prueba

– ¿Qué locators son más robustos?

¿Qué es BDD?

Pruebas de performance en CI/CD 

Pruebas de performance en aplicaciones móbiles (Apptim)

🛑For developers

Análisis de código con SonarQube

🛑For all positions

There are skills that are central to work whatever your position. Here are some tools that can help you.

“Introducción a las pruebas de sistemas de información”

“Cómo construir software de calidad…”

“¿Cómo revisar tu estrategia de pruebas?”

”Testing en tiempos revueltos: técnicas de autogestión”

“Para trabajar en equipo, trabaja sobre ti mismo”

“El día que scrum mató la calidad”

“Si un bug se escapa a producción, es culpa del QA”

“Cómo comenzar con las RETRO meetings”

Federico Toledo’s blog

“The Everything Else” podcast

“Quality Sense” podcast

Abstracta’s blog in English

Abstracta’s Medium in Spanish

✔️Fifth stage: technical interview with leaders.

If the test results are satisfactory, we will coordinate an interview with some members of our leadership team. Here we will dive deeper into the technical expertise required for your role. 

If we have a project in mind for you, the project leader will tell you more about it, and you will be able to ask any questions you may have. 

If this is one of your first IT job interviews, we recommend the following readings for this instance:

“4 tips para conseguir trabajo como tester”

“7 preguntas que te harán en una entrevista para tu primer trabajo como Software Tester”

“Oportunidades Profesionales: ¿Qué buscan los empleadores?”

✔️Moment of definitions

If the process was successful, we will send you a job proposal. If you accept, we will coordinate the start day and ask you for data for the employment contract. 

On this part of the path,  we will ask you for another personal presentation; this time more vivid. This is because the day before you start we will send an e-mail to the whole company introducing you. In addition, we will add you to all the systems we use.


The first three days are dedicated to the process we call “onboarding”. It is a time dedicated exclusively to understanding and experiencing what it is like to work at abstracta. A time for your organizational socialization. You will begin to get to know the team and get ready to start. After this period, onboarding continues for a period of 1 to 3 months.

We want to be a platform for development and well-being on your path. Together we can go further, and the journey has just begun 🛫. 

Get to know our company culture in this article

Here we tell you all about our work proposal and the benefits for those who work at Abstracta.

Follow us on, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to be part of our community!

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