
Tips for Using ChatGPT Safely in Your Organization

Is resisting change worth it? At Abstracta, we believe it’s essential to prepare ourselves to make increasingly valuable contributions to our society every day and to do so securely. In this article, we share practical and actionable tips so you can harness the full potential of ChatGPT while minimizing risks.

Restrictions of various kinds, positions of all sorts, both in public and private spheres. The revolutionary generative language model behind ChatGPT, powered by AI, is globally shifting paradigms with an unstoppable force. And it’s crucial to learn to manage it in an enthusiastic, cautious, and responsible way. Yes, all at once…

The rules of the game have changed and we are fully aware that denying reality leads to no productive results. Because AI will still exist. And its benefits will be apparent to those who dare to open their eyes and embrace change.

We know that going back is not an option. Neither was it during the industrial revolutions nor after the emergence of each new means of communication. Even despite all the new procedures and forms of contact enabled by each one, conveyed by different technical devices.

Though it might seem strange today, even the advent of the printing press faced resistance in its time. It was due to the impact it could have on different aspects of society.

Now it’s AI’s turn. While it’s not a new medium, it is a new technology enabling new realities, which until recently seemed confined to those who specialized in it. It was futuristic and unreachable for most people.

Currently, we face a new reality: the expansion of access to it and the possibility of massive utilization of its disruptive potential.

At Abstracta, we believe it’s paramount to dare to experiment and learn about new resources available. And to do so in a constructive, efficient, and responsible way. Only by setting clear rules can we use technology safely and minimize risks.

For this reason, in this article, we share some tips so you can regulate how to use ChatGPT safely in your organization:

1- Data Management

Never forget the importance of handling information with absolute confidentiality and responsibility. Privacy and data security are essential when working with ChatGPT and it aids in this direction.

If your work requires sharing private data, disable ChatGPT’s ability to use it for training purposes. You can do this from the Settings of the GPT-4 version.

The system will store the data you provide for 30 days before completely eliminating it. Yet, it won’t appear in your chat history. As the company clarifies, it will keep the information only “to monitor for abuse”. Also, after these 30 days, Open AI will no longer have access to this information.

Nonetheless, no technology can be 100% secure. So we strongly recommend not sharing extremely sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, and any content that is protected by a client confidentiality agreement or intellectual property issues.

2- Custom Assistance

Turn ChatGPT into your assistant. Take full advantage of its potential to help you perform tasks that could take a lot of time.

Ask it exactly what you need, with all the necessary details, to achieve more precise results. Don’t settle for its first response: iterate, refine your requests, and ask again.

3- Verification

Regardless of the task you assign it, reviewing and verifying is crucial. While ChatGPT can offer us astonishing results, there are times when it can get confused. Or even come up with data completely contrary to reality.

Therefore, it is necessary to check the information thoroughly. Seek the insights of your team and experts in areas where you may not have sufficient expertise to perform an adequate validation.

Moreover, when conducting the check, pay special attention to biases (like gender, for example) that AI could have replicated in its responses. Why? Because this could lead to different perceptions than you are seeking, and even to unfair decisions creating disparities.

4- Editing

Don’t shy away from editing everything you deem necessary. ChatGPT can provide us with information from scratch and an excellent basis, or help improve what we provide.

Whichever the case, remember that the final work will have your ownership. That’s why you need to take charge of every step of the way, whether it’s a text or a line of code. The final decision on what to take from what the system offers will always be yours.

5- Recordkeeping

Set up experimentation processes and document your achievements. In this post, Abstracta’s CEO, Matías Reina, describes step by step how we record experiments at Abstracta. You can use it as a model and adapt it to your needs.

Remember to save effective prompts for future access. And share them with your team to help propel everyone in the same direction.

6- Networks

Enable exchange to strengthen and share, not only with your team but with the entire community. In this post, the Executive Director of Abstracta and CTO of Apptim, Fabián Baptista recounts how AI has empowered not only CEOs, leaders, and development and testing specialists, but also people in non-technical roles.

7- Continuous Learning

Keep moving. Participate in talks and seminars, read articles, and research. This attitude will not only keep you at the forefront of news and features but also allow you to learn about new security strategies, emerging threats, and how to prevent them.

8- Plan B

Like any technology, AI can fail. For this reason, we recommend having a Plan B in the event of a contingency. It’s important that your team includes qualified people with critical thinking skills, capable of stepping in when necessary. This will help you maintain the continuity of your operations and always ensure the security of your information.

All these steps also help us enjoy the journey while we experiment. It’s a cycle: by following some simple recommendations, we benefit from working with more enthusiasm and peace of mind, which helps us focus on our objectives more efficiently.

Ultimately, it’s not just about adopting the latest technologies: it’s vital to do so responsibly, sustainably, and in accordance with human values. It’s crucial to ensure in every possible way that our use of AI adheres to these ethical principles and is done as safely as possible.

At Abstracta, we understand that AI is a powerful engine of change. But we also know that, like any powerful tool, it must be handled with care. With this in mind, we can create strategies to make the most of AI’s advantages while minimizing its potential risks.

By establishing secure processes and building networks along the way, we can make increasingly impactful and high-quality contributions, benefiting our society.

Historical Resistances

It can be very useful to immerse ourselves, even if synthetically, in a broader context of technological changes and cultural debates.

Less than half a century ago, Italian philosopher and semiotician Umberto Eco was publishing his book “Apocalyptic and Integrated.” He referred to different currents related to the ways of conceiving technologies and communication theories, revealing an urgent debate that would accompany us indefinitely.

The birth of the cultural industry allowed mass access to culture and, with it, to cultural goods. Along this path, we find different schools of thought.

In sum, according to Eco, the “integrated” are optimistic about the changes introduced by the cultural industry and mass media. They consider making cultural goods available to everyone as an “expansion of the cultural field.”

In contrast, the apocalyptic see mass culture as the “anti-culture”. They distrust and reject any action that could modify the order of things.

The arrival of disruptive technologies including Artificial Intelligence is renewing this debate between apocalyptic and integrated. All this is part of the digital transformation in which our society is immersed.

The rapid advancement of technologies is challenging us in unimaginable ways, and rekindling old debates about their benefits and harms.

At Abstracta, we believe in balance: it’s necessary to move forward, without ever ceasing to question. There’s the possibility of finding a civilized dialogue between the apocalyptic and integrated currents. We can adapt to de factual conditions in building a world suited to human needs, without therefore ceasing to theorize (as the apocalyptic do) about some underlying problems and deal with them.

Do you agree with these contributions? Have you experienced resistance in your organization to adopt AI? Do you have other tips to take advantage of this technology safely that you can share? We would love to hear your opinion!

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