How to Work with Remote Team Members Effectively
Best strategies for maintaining a vibrant, high-performance work culture for remote teams When it comes to remote work, over the past few years, we’ve already witnessed droves of people making the switch, ditching their office desk and commute for the convenience of working from home….
75 Best Software Testing Blogs
Where to find the tester’s corner of the internet When we’re not testing, we love to keep learning new skills, strategies, approaches, etc. and participate in discussions with the test community. So, we’ve scoured the web, searching high and low for the greatest testing blogs, from…
Devs, You Have Unit Testing All Wrong
Why you shouldn’t skip unit testing for building high-quality software If you’re a developer or work in the world of software development, you might have heard some misconceptions about unit testing. We’ll go debunking some of them one by one in this post, and maybe…
5 Can’t-Miss Sessions at Agile Testing Days USA 2018 in Boston
A testing ‘festival’ like no other Tutorials, workshops, social gatherings, talks, keynotes, networking, and more… we can’t wait to attend the festival that is Agile Testing Days USA this June in Boston. It is always invigorating and inspiring to exchange ideas and meet pioneers in…
When We Care Less About Our People, Our People Become Careless
Our Chief People Officer, Vera Babat, explains what it means to consider employee happiness and the role of “People Care” I must confess that the role, “People Care,” at first seemed a bit like smoke and mirrors to me. Caring for people? Making sure people…
Selenium vs Watir
Choosing between these two test automation tools for an automation framework I recently got started on a client project in which I’m putting together an automation framework, where, luckily, I’ve been given some objectives that are quite clear to fulfill. I want to discuss one…
Automatic Checks with Scriptless Tool, Ghost Inspector
Ghost Inspector review: Tool to automate tests without the need for coding skills We just started a new project with a client from Silicon Valley in e-commerce where one of the first things we’re working on is to review their current testing strategy, and within that, their…
Kanban for Software Testing Teams
Committing to the continuous improvement of kaizen This article was originally published on Kanban, a highly effective framework for “going agile,” is based on the Japanese business philosophy of kaizen, which believes that everything can be improved. One of the principles of kanban that…
[Infographic] 6 Software Testing Outsourcing Myths Debunked
Putting to bed your fears about outsourcing software testing and QA once and for all Have you turned your back on the idea of outsourcing your software testing and QA (what we prefer to call quality engineering)? Maybe it was brought up once during a meeting…
Understanding the Importance of Cross-Browser Testing for Modern Web Apps
In this guest post, Alexandra McPeak from SmartBear explains cross-browser testing and why it matters When it comes to consuming web content, there are more choices than ever to enjoy your own unique experience. However, this can easily be overlooked in software development. The biggest…
How to Show Your Tester Some Love this Valentine’s Day
How to show testers some love this Valentine’s Day—and maybe be loved in return, too. This article was originally published on Great testers are almost as hard to find as a candy conversation heart that isn’t silly. If you’ve got the opportunity to work…
Risk-Based Testing: The Software Testing Risk Matrix
So much to test, so little time? Here’s how to create a software testing risk matrix for maximum results. When it comes to testing software, it can be a bit overwhelming when you get started. One resource that one can turn to is the software…
Code Analysis Part 3: SonarQube Alternatives
How to run a code analysis from Maven or an IDE In part two of this blog series on code analysis, I showed you how to do a proof of concept quickly using a SonarQube Docker image, and run the analysis from SonarQube Scanner. In…
Code Analysis Part 2: Analyzing Code with SonarQube
Continuing with our code analysis series, here’s an introduction to SonarQube As we mentioned in part 1 of this 3 part series on code analysis (on what you should know about technical debt), code quality is often said to be an internal attribute of quality, since…