
Abstracta Tech Talks 2022

Sharing knowledge and constantly updating are two invaluable things in the IT industry. Together, they are the master key for this area’s development and progress, which make huge impacts on the lives of people worldwide. That’s why the Abstracta Tech Talks are back! Join us on our first Meetup on February 9th.

The Abstracta Tech Talks are MeetUp’s on software testing, best practices, and many other IT topics. Created by the Quality Engineer and COO of Abstracta Federico Toledo in 2016, the event invites us to share and connect.

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Till 2020, the program was carried out face to face in our offices, with 2 or 3 annual meetings. Then, because of the pandemic, we transitioned to a virtual format. We increased its frequency, currently planning to meet twice a month.

In addition to the usual talks, in 2022 we are going to gather IT experts and people interested in specific themes. We have the aim to generate relaxed discussions and enhance the interaction. 

“We will address different topics oriented to software development and testing. We will talk about different programming languages ​​and tools for software development, testing strategies, and technical aspects such as automation, performance and security tests”, said computer engineer Arcadio Abad, leader of functional tests at Abstracta and organizer of this event.

Over the first meetings of the year, we’re going to deal with technical issues. Then we’re going to incorporate talks on soft skills. We will work on issues related to software quality not only from the tester’s point of view but also from the quality of the process and our interactions as a team.

“We want quality to be present from the beginning, when the first business idea comes, all the way until the solution is used by the users”, outlined Arcadio.

Therefore, Abstracta Tech Talks 2022 is aimed at:

  • People who are taking their first steps in the fascinating world of testing.
  • Professionals who want to grow in the area guided by prestigious experts.

Opening Event – February 9th.

The event is free! Would you join us? We hope you can take away concrete ideas that allow you to improve. Even to optimize your delivery processes. Some of the issues will include questions like, what types of tests to run, when and how often. In addition, how to handle environments and data.

Invited speakers:

– Roger Abelenda, Computer Engineer and CTO at Abstracta.

He has 17 years of experience in software development. He has served in multiple roles throughout his career: developer, team leader, architect, technical director and currently CTO. He describes himself as passionate about learning new technologies and ways to be more efficient, sharing experiences, co-creating solutions, and helping in any way possible.

– Andréi Guchin, Telecommunications Engineer and QE Leader at Abstracta.

He has 10 years of experience in performance engineering. He has executed tasks ranging from testing and monitoring and data analysis to leading and managing projects. He has also participated in functional testing, automation, and development projects.

– Rocío M. Cruz Sánchez, Computer Engineer and QA Automation Engineer at Abstracta.

She has performed in different roles throughout her 10 years of experience in the IT industry: tester, tester automator and developer. She is always willing to take on new challenges in order to continue growing personally and professionally.

– Juan Pablo Sobral, Systems Engineering student and Developer at Abstracta.

With 5 years of experience, he has already developed tasks in DevOps, performance, automation, and development. He considers himself as a fan of all things related to technology, but especially of ways to improve software development processes.

Here we go! Some questions for Arcadio, which will be very useful for people who are just starting out in testing:

– What are automated tests in CI/CD?

CI is a Software Engineering practice based on the execution of certain automatic validations to the code that developers try to upload to the repository. Ultimately, its objective is to detect errors as soon as possible.

On the other hand, CD validates the integration of advances in the solution in a repository through automated tests. If it passes the designed tests satisfactorily, the process ends with the publication of the change in production.

Both practices have a strong base in automated tests. They are nothing more than the use of software for the design and execution of tests that validate the expected and obtained results through scripts.

– What is a good continuous integration and continuous delivery strategy? Why is it so relevant?

This answer is the basis of the talk! We invite everyone to the event to dive into the subject in the voice of the experts.

– Why exchange and sharing knowledge is so important in the IT world?

We have a diversity of incredible tools, methods and ways of carrying out different processes. Being up-to-date is essential in IT, and involves a lot of reading and research. Also, it implies good places for exchange, with the aim to draw on other people’s experiences and knowledge. These spaces allow people to meet more professionals, identify referents, connect and create networks.


Don’t forget! The talk will be broadcast live on February 9 at 6:00 p.m. ART. Register here to receive the access link to the webinar!

Abstracta Tech Talks 2021

Did you miss any of our 2021 meetings? Enjoy them on Federico Toledo’s blog by clicking here.

With over 1.300 members, our 2021 MeetUp featured 11 fantastic presentations of various kinds. From stories about testing, strengthening attitudes and communication skills, to technical aspects such as Machine Learning or Performance. We have speakers from Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Spain.

We invite you to continue meeting us, with the wonderful excuse of learning.

Follow us on, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to be part of our community!

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