
Partnering, Staffing, or Specific Scope Projects in Software Testing

What are the differences between the different types of modalities we provide? Which one is most appropriate for you? Find it out in this article!

By Alejandro Berardinelli

In general, we aim to be quality partners with clients. We look for ongoing projects because that is where we can add more value. But if there is one thing for sure, it is that there is no single answer. Absolutely not. Each case is unique, and so is yours.

Partnering, staffing, or specific scope projects? Which should you choose? In this article, I will detail the characteristics of each modality, so that you can decide which is best for your company. 


We seek to integrate ourselves into the development teams and accompany the clients, so this modality is the most sought after. We are looking for something longer term where we can generate a lasting relationship with the clients.

We interact with the clients to a greater extent. We integrate ourselves into their processes and we are attentive to new needs constantly. The customer has a team that is looking for improvement all the time.

It is like calling the electrician at home to change a light bulb or having someone for maintenance who has a more general vision. Whoever performs the maintenance is going to be looking at other things beyond that light bulb that burned out. 

We go as deep as possible! As a team, we analyze every step in every detail and seek continuous improvement.


In case the clients only need “hands-on”, we offer Staffing. It is limited to only providing people with certain profiles that meet the clients’ needs. One of the main differences with Partnering is that we do not assign a leader to the client. 

Why not assign a project leader? There will always be a backup hub at Abstracta. But a leader is not included in the budget because in these cases the clients already have a clear strategy and do not want this assignment. 

In most of these cases, they already have a leader in charge of the project. The clients are already clear on what needs to be done and how. Thus, our role is to execute their strategy and plan in the best possible way to help them achieve their goals.

Specific Scope Projects

Projects such as performance, accessibility, or maturity assessments are concrete and of short duration. There, the objective is more limited. So we plan in detail what we are going to do; we execute it and finish with a report and the presentation of the results.

However, not all cases are the same. Even in the same kind of projects, there can be big differences. Because as I said before, each case is unique. 

Several performance projects end after we execute the defined tests and deliver the report to the client. Only a few of them are ongoing or Partnering projects, where we join the clients’ teams to integrate the tests. Something similar happens in accessibility.

We are convinced that communication is essential for smooth, effective workflow. So, regardless of the modality you choose, we will pay great attention to communication and deeply understand your needs. 

Communication is undoubtedly the cornerstone of good strategic planning, which can be modified as new needs arise. 

Our experience of more than 14 years in testing reconfirms every day that testing isn’t only making tests! It’s giving our best so that we can better the experience of the user. And, of course, it’s also about enjoying the path together.

Are you looking for the ideal partner for your company? Abstracta is one of the most trusted names in software quality engineering worldwide. 

Abstracta is a leading, pure-play and independent software testing services company founded in 2008 with offices in California and Latin America. We are proud to be ranked 1st by Clutch as one of the best software testing companies globally. 

Contact us today to see how we can help your business! 

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