Great Place to Work revealed the best companies to work for in Uruguay and we have been ranked #8th. Can culture be measured? Why is it important to do so? Find out everything and meet the companies that joined us in the TOP 10.
We are happy to announce that we have been ranked #8th among the best companies with less than 150 members to work for in Uruguay by Great Place to Work.
In 2021, we had already made it to the TOP 10 of the best places to work for millennials. The mere fact of being part of a new edition of Great Place to Work’s ranking is a huge recognition for Abstracta, a company where sustainable and scalable growth goes hand in hand with people’s development and well-being.
The Great Place to Work survey defines the best companies to work for in Uruguay based on the feedback of 15.787 people from 95 different companies. The results of the study represent the averages of the responses of those who work within the ranked companies, with the perception of each one as the only variable.
“These are organizations that have worked with a special focus on the development of people. In enhancing them on what makes them unique, but above all, caring and listening. They manage a collective but looking at each individual,” said the hosts of the Great Place To Work Awards.
“The bar has been raised. The work world has changed, and these organizations sustain excellent experiences for their employees. They are an inspiration for our market and our society.”
Top 10 best companies to work for in Uruguay
Below, we share the TOP 10 companies in the category with less than 150 employees, so that you can get to know one by one the companies that accompany us on the ranking.
If you want to know the winning companies that have more than 150 members, click here.
Our culture, a collective vision
We got here by being a company with a collaborative vision, a totally open doors company. We have been building our culture among all of us, and that is what we can define as Abstracta’s culture. It does not arise from any theory that is put into practice, it is an emergent of our team, of all the people who have passed through Abstracta and their learning.
Regardless of our age or level of seniority or role, we are young idealists, and we build our culture along with it.
At Abstracta we actively work for the well-being of people as a whole. We are united by a common purpose: to co-create world-class software and generate development in our communities to improve people’s quality of life.
We have created an inspiring and authentic workspace, where everyone can develop personally and professionally, with high-quality projects. A space where different people can contribute their skills and unfold their potential.
Abstracta offers a network of containment and support. To be able to be world leaders in testing while working together to build a more equitable and horizontal society, from the inside out, is something that excites and motivates us deeply.
Being able to reconcile working at the highest level, developing life projects while prioritizing what is truly important for each of us and contributing to a greater collective purpose is, for us, a redefinition of success. And in this process, we have built a project that is more than a place to work. It is a community.
We invite you to read this article to learn more about the Abstracta’ s Culture.
Abstracta at Great Place to Work
In March 2021, after a pandemic year, all the people who work at Abstracta participated in an anonymous survey. Pleasantly, we were met with very constructive responses and realized that we had managed to sustain a culture that deserved to be told.
So we contacted Great Place to Work for the first time, who evaluated us, cross-referenced a vast amount of data, and certified us as a company to participate in their rankings every year. Among them, best companies to work for millennials, best companies to work for in Uruguay and best companies to work for women.
Although we are a global company, we are known for adapting to the feelings of each community. For this reason, we choose to be part of country-by-country rankings, and not as an international company.
Being ranked 6th of the best companies to work for millennials in 2021 made us feel an indescribable pride. And to be now in the ranking of the best companies to work in Uruguay at a general level and not only for a segment is more than amazing.
This ranking evaluates the fairness of the companies’ proposals. It is the first time that we have participated in rankings with methodologies of this type and to be among the main players is a real honor.
Here are some of our results:
👉Our highest percentages focused on fairness and intimacy (98%).
The first measures “to what degree management promotes inclusive behavior, avoids discrimination and is committed to ensuring fair appeals.” The second refers to “how much people enjoy spending time with their co-workers, the feeling of showing up as they are and being able to count on mutual support.”
👉78% was the lowest score. It measures how employees perceive their individual contributions to the organization. This mobilizes us and shows us an opportunity for improvement for 2022.
Why are we interested in measuring our culture?
Measuring something like culture is very difficult. It is intangible and very dynamic because everyone has their own experience. But rankings matter beyond the numbers, their relevance lies in what we do with them. The numbers show before our very eyes how we are doing, and where we are positioned in terms of our experience on promoting well-being.
The lower scores help us to reflect and focus on them. To realize which are the points on which we must work hard to improve. As a result of this survey, beyond the results, new ideas and proposals have emerged in the Abstracta team.
Among them, we started to communicate the benefits of being part of Abstracta in a more efficient way and began to think of new alternatives. We promoted a new organizational structure for Abstracta’s operations, which consists of a model based on Hubs, so that everyone can make contributions in different areas. We hired a salary benchmarking service to understand where we stand in this aspect, as well as to be able to review all our salaries and salary bands.
2021 was a very special year, with a lot of turmoil in the labor market, as a result of everything that globalized remote work brought and the changes that occurred in the reference values in all areas.
In this context, the fact that 100% of the women surveyed and 94% of the men responded that they feel Abstracta is a great place to work is super relevant. Because as we always say, together we can go further.
Are you looking for the ideal partner for your company? Abstracta is one of the most trusted names in software quality engineering worldwide.
Contact us today to see how we can help your business!
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Vera Babat
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