Quality Sense Podcast: Mukta Sharma- Defect Management
Welcome to another episode of the Quality Sense podcast! Today’s guest is Mukta Sharma, she’s been in the world of testing for over a decade and is very active on social media where she shares her knowledge with her community. In this episode, we’ll discuss…
WOPR is coming to Uruguay on its 29th edition
I have great news! I am really, REALLY excited about it! This year we are hosting WOPR (Workshop on Performance and Reliability) in Uruguay! It’s going to be December 6-8, 2022, in Montevideo. I remember when I started in performance testing, it was my first…
Interview Tips for Software Testers
The job search is a time when many emotions come together, whether we are unemployed or not. It is important to take this process as a learning opportunity. In this article, we give you all the tips and information you need for software tester interviews….
JMeter DSL, an Innovative Tool for Performance Testing
What is JMeter DSL, what improvements does it bring with respect to JMeter, what are the new functionalities it provides? This open source contribution developed by Abstracta is already used by users from different parts of the world, such as the United States, India, Russia,…
The Everything Else | The One About Procrastination
The Everything Else podcast season 3 is here and now featuring on the blog! A podcast dedicated to exploring the world of the so called soft skills. People often talk about soft skills as the skills of the future, but … what are soft skills…
Quality Sense Podcast: Gev Hovsepyan – Accessibility Testing
Welcome to another episode of the Quality Sense podcast! Today I’ll share with you an exchange I had with Gev Hovsepyan. He’s the Head of Product at mabl with over a decade of experience in Software Product Management, Analysis, and Development for B2B SaaS and…
Human Capital Crisis in the Midst of Digital Transformation: What can IT Companies do About it?
What is the human capital crisis? In this article, we tell you what we are doing at Abstracta to reduce the digital divide and try to stop the human capital crisis in the context of digital transformation. The concept of human capital refers to people’s…
Abstracta in the TOP 10 of “Best Places to Work for Women in Uruguay”
Great Place to Work revealed the results and we are happy to have received this immense recognition. Find out why this ranking is so important for Abstracta, and get to know the companies that join us in this TOP 10. By Vera Babat We are…
Cybersecurity: New Technologies, New Vulnerabilities
Recent historical milestones have brought with them major disruptions at a global level, which have accelerated digital transformation and prompted a rethink of the cybersecurity sector. What is the role of software testing in all this? What is Pentesting? Why is prevention so important? Gustavo…
Does software testing have an endpoint in a project?
A new project is gestated, born, and developed. Why is it important that software testing continues even when the required development is finished? Figure it out in this article, in the voices of Alejandra Viglietti and Alejandro Berardinelli. By Natalie Rodgers By now, we have…
#AbstractaStory In Depth with Matías Reina: “A CEO has to relate strongly with what is happening in society”.
He never dreamed of being the CEO, but he slowly realized all he could accomplish from there on a social level. Part of abstracta from its birth, Matías dreams big. When people think of the role of a CEO, their minds tend to go to…
Mobile Application Testing Strategy, Key to The Success of Digital Payments
The global payments landscape is in the midst of a paradigm shift, and the use of cash is becoming a thing of the past. Empower your mobile application testing strategy by learning about the global situation and what we can do to help you take…
Quality Sense Podcast: Lewis Prescott – Contract Testing
Welcome to another episode of the Quality Sense podcast! Today I will share an interview I had with Lewis Prescott. He is a QA Lead at Cera Care and has worked across testing projects including property management, e-procurement, electronic trading platforms, and government. In different…
Software Testing and AI, Keys to the Future of Digital Accessibility
The advent of disruptive technologies including Artificial Intelligence is renewing old debates about the implications of technological changes in society. At Abstracta, we have no doubt that the role of software testing is fundamental in order to work towards Digital Accessibility. A panel of experts…