Q&A with Lisa Crispin: Behavior-Driven Development and Continuous Delivery
In our recent webinar, you asked… Lisa answered! This month, we had the opportunity to have Lisa Crispin present her and George Dinwiddie’s ideas about BDD and CD; mainly how BDD can shorten feedback loops, how CD impacts BDD and things your team can try….
Quality Sense Podcast: Alan Richardson “The Evil Tester” – On Test Automation
Thinking critically about test automation from a developer’s perspective In these two Quality Sense episodes, Federico delves into an entertaining and eye-opening discussion with Alan Richardson, a British consultant also known as “Evil Tester.” With more than 25 years of experience in testing and development,…
Quality Sense Podcast: Paul-Henri Pillet – Why We Made Gatling
What it’s like to build a company around developer-driven performance testing In this episode of the Quality Sense podcast, our COO, Federico Toledo, interviews Paul-Henri Pillet, a Frenchman and the CEO of one of our favorite open source load testing tools, Gatling, with 5,000,000 downloads…
Webinar: Crisis-Proof Your Software Testing Budget with Federico Toledo
Sharing ways to cut costs, but not quality (and save yourself some precious time) Due to the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, companies are experiencing an increased sense of urgency to react quickly to their customers’ needs, reduce waste, and uphold business continuity. Fortunately, you…
Quality Sense Podcast: Janet Gregory – Facilitating Agile Teams and Trainings Remotely
Experiences in rapidly adapting in-person trainings to a remote setting, tips for working from home, and more with Janet What to Expect? In this episode of the Quality Sense podcast, host, Federico Toledo, interviews Janet Gregory, co-author of three highly influential books: “Agile Testing: A…
Webinar: BDD and CD with Lisa Crispin
Lisa shares why and how to align behavior-driven development and continuous delivery for better outcomes Continuous delivery (CD) is all about delivering small changes to customers frequently and without strain or stress for the team. A big part of this involves enabling shared understanding across…
Quality Sense Podcast: Refael Botbol – Optimizing Performance Testing Costs
Interviewing a leading expert in performance engineering and open source tools Recently for his Quality Sense Podcast, Federico Toledo interviewed Refael Botbol, the BlazeMeter testing domain expert at Broadcom, where he enables developers to achieve higher-quality applications by injecting testing throughout the software development lifecycle….
Migrating to Open Source Testing Tools (Especially Now)
Key considerations and strategies for going the open source route If you’re paying for expensive software testing tool licences, perhaps something to consider is migrating to open source alternatives to optimize costs, especially if your team needs to find ways to go lean during the…
How a Band of Tech Companies is Helping to Face COVID-19 in Uruguay
Chatbots and a telemedicine app are some of the tools the local tech community is providing to help the Uruguayan government care for its citizens For almost every country in the world, the arrival of the COVID-19 has posed a tremendously large challenge to create…
How Can You Optimize the Cost of Software Testing?
Ways to reduce the cost of software testing without sacrificing quality Due to the novel coronavirus and the impact it’s having on the global economy, my colleagues and I have been thinking a lot these days about how we could help our clients and others…
Quality Sense Podcast: Rob Sabourin – Testing Under Pressure (Part 2)
Learn about the 5 principles of Rob Sabourin’s Just-in-Time Testing methodology to help test under pressure Listen to this episode of the Quality Sense Podcast in which Federico Toledo continues his two-part interview with Robert Sabourin, Adjunct Professor of Software Engineering at McGill University and…
Quality Sense Podcast: Rob Sabourin – Testing Under Pressure (Part 1)
This unique methodology will help you test software in times of turbulence Welcome to the Quality Sense Podcast’s first episode! At Abstracta, we are thrilled to explore a new avenue for bringing you fresh content from some of the brightest minds in software! In the…
Model-Based Testing Using State Machines
What is a state machine and how can you use one to improve your testing strategy? When testing software systems, it’s very important to build a mental model of what you understand about the expected behavior, the interactions between the user and the SUT (system…
Video: Managing Your Fully Remote Team in Times of Crisis
Vera Babat lends her advice on how to help others navigate working remotely while coping with the global pandemic Inside Abstracta, due to the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19), we’re facing a time of a drastic and rapid culture change, as we move our work and daily…