
Abstracta was distinguished as one of “The Best Places to Work in Uruguay 2023”

The Great Place to Work ranking distinguishes organizations that “managed to create and sustain over time Cultures For All™”, which have as their basis “putting their people first”. In this article, Vera Babat tells you which other companies were highlighted, and what our quality work proposal consists of.

By Vera Babat

Abstracta Uruguay is part of the ranking of “the best workplaces” between 51 and 300 members to work in Uruguay in 2023
, according to the latest survey of Great Place to Work (GPTW).

This is a huge recognition for Abstracta as a whole. A company with a humanistic culture focused on mutual care, for which sustainable and scalable development only makes sense if it goes hand in hand with the growth and well-being of its people.

The survey included the analysis of feedback from a survey of more than 19,000 employees from 112 different companies. Fifty of them qualified and were distributed in 3 categories: less than 50 employees, from 51 to 300, and more than 301.

As stated by GPTW, “the ranking highlights the main companies in the country that have managed to maximize the human potential of all their employees through effective leadership, active listening, meaningful values and a deep foundation of trust with all employees”.

In the same vein, they assert, “When these dimensions are present, workplaces benefit from improved innovation, better business results, and financial growth.”  

Vera Babat, Chief Culture Officer of Abstracta, at the GPTW award ceremony.

I had the honor and pleasure of personally attending the ceremony, which was held on Thursday, March 16 at the Uruguay Golf Club. During the presentation, Fedra Feola, Country Manager of GPTW, highlighted: “We are proud to share with you the highest ranking in our history. We are recognizing companies that have succeeded in making their organizations cultures of excellence. All of them have the genuine conviction that goals are achieved with people and for people.”

Measuring something like culture is very difficult. It is intangible and very dynamic because everyone has their own experience. As Fedra expressed, “Being in the ranking is a living state, it has to do with working and understanding that this is a process and that we have to continue working beyond the position. Being in the ranking is a consequence of how we work, not the cause.”

The numbers are derived from the responses of the people who work at Abstracta Uruguay to Great Place to Work surveys, whose task is to cross-reference a vast amount of data, compare under different parameters and, in this way, comprehensively evaluate the companies’ proposals.

The 2022 ranking had placed us in the N°8 position and the 2023 ranking in the N°11 position. This represents a very important achievement that speaks of our learning and continuous improvement processes, given that last year these numbers were the reflection of a survey of 15,787 people from 95 different companies with less than 150 members, while this year’s numbers considered the responses of 19 thousand people from 112 companies with between 51 and 300 members.

Results show how we are doing on different aspects, and where we are positioned in terms of our experience of promoting wellbeing and well-being. So rankings matter beyond the numbers, their relevance lies in what we do with them. The lower scores help us to reflect and focus on them. To realize which are the points in which we must work hard to improve.

TOP 15 Best Companies to Work for in Uruguay

TOP 15 best Companies to Work for in Uruguay

Below, we share the TOP 15 of companies between 51 and 300 members, so that you can get to know one by one the companies that accompany us on this journey.

1. Hilton
2. DHL Express
3. December Labs
4. Bunker DB
5. Verde
6. Light-it
7. Lacnic
8. Practia
10. Aeropuertos Uruguay
11. Abstracta
!2. Etermax
13. Octobot
14. Bas
15. L’Oréal

👉 Click here to know the ranking of companies with less than 50 members.
👉 Click here to know the ranking of companies with between 51 and 300 members.
👉 Click here to know the ranking of companies with less than 50 members.

Quality Work Proposal

Vera with Stephanie Gordiola, a member of the Abstracta People Care team.

At Abstracta, we want to achieve our goal of being a global, thriving, and sustainable company through an experience that is pleasing to us. This goal challenges us every day. And it implies consolidating a team that is highly qualified, content, and connected to its motives.

On this path, it is crucial to be able to generate a quality work proposal. But what does this explicitly mean? Is it related to being able to participate in top-level projects? To the work environment? To the benefits? The answers vary from person to person and at different points in life.

That’s why we work on these points daily, seeking to provide a meaningful experience at all stages of life. Not only do we offer a holistic software testing service to our clients, but our mindset is holistic in everything we do.

The growth of the company would be worthless if it were not accompanied by the development of our team, individually and collectively. Positively impacting the lives of our people is above all else. That is the heart of our culture.

One of the keys to achieving this is not to believe that we know it all and to work hard to improve every day. On this path, we take care of people’s well-being in an integral way. How do we do it? Through the accompaniment of a committed People Care team; a humanistic culture, with a focus on mutual care; continuous training; the guidance of technical experts and effective leaders; and great benefits.

We developed a roadmap to guide the growth of all people, at all levels of seniority, and a salary calculation tool, which we call Scale, to ensure competitive and fair compensation, without gaps or biases of any kind. In addition, in 2022, we made our salaries transparent.

We believe that this approach provides clarity and is key so that each person can feel recognized and valued in their role, as well as know their growth opportunities and understand their individual contribution to our global objectives.

We want to restore the relevance of the feeling of security that comes from having a job where we can project ourselves into the future. Being a bootstrapped company, which grows only with available resources, without external investment, has its challenges and benefits. We have come a long way in which we have learned that in order to grow as we want, in a healthy and sustainable way, we need to work in a network.

Moments like this one in the industry reinforce our convictions: being a company with the characteristics we have allows us to adapt to different contexts, offer quality work proposals every day, and continue to grow.

As a result, we provide a holistic testing service, which pushes the boundaries of software testing, helps to create software every day, and expands businesses, hand in hand with committed people who choose to be part of Abstracta as part of their life project.

Abstracta at Great Place to Work

In March 2021, after a year of pandemic, we conducted an anonymous survey of all the people working at Abstracta. Pleasantly, we were met with very constructive responses and realized that we had managed to sustain a culture that deserved to be told.

So we contacted Great Place to Work for the first time, who evaluated us, cross-checked a vast amount of data, and certified us as a company. Thanks to the results obtained, we were eligible to participate in their 3 rankings of the year: best companies to work for millennials, best companies to work for in Uruguay, and best companies to work for women.

Although we are a global company, we are known for adapting to the feelings of each proposal and each community. For this reason, we choose to be part of country-by-country rankings. Since we have been in the GPTW rankings, we have obtained distinctions that fill us with pride:

✅December 2022
TOP 10 of “The best companies to work for millennials in 2021”.

✅March 2022
TOP 10 of “The best companies to work for in Uruguay”.

✅June 2022.
TOP 10 of “The best places to work for women in Uruguay”.

More and more companies understand the value of investing in their culture and being able to share this data as it contributes to brand value. It is a real privilege to continue to be part of these rankings and to be among the best companies to work for in Uruguay for all.

Looking for your ideal testing partner?  Abstracta is one of the most trusted companies in software quality engineering. Learn more about our solutions here and understand why we have received such praise. Contact us to discuss how we can help you grow your business.

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