Abstracta Team
Apptim Review: Mobile App Performance Testing Tool
A new trick up your sleeve for manual mobile app testers and developers Whether we’re using mobile apps to send money to a friend, edit a photo, send a message… It’s important that they be easy to use, don’t take ages to load, or take…
Quality Sense Podcast: Sofia Palamarchuk – Mobile app performance
Finding new solutions for testing mobile performance on the client side In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with a colleague and friend, Sofia Palamarchuk. She’s a Director and Board Member of Abstracta and the co-founder and CEO of Apptim,…
Quality Sense Podcast: Oren Rubin – Web Test Automation Challenges
Looking at some of the challenges of test automaton and how to pick the best tools and infrastructure In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with the founder and CEO of Testim, Oren Rubin, an Israeli entrepreneur who has over…
Best Software Testing Conferences for 2020 (Updated for Covid-19)
Which top testing conferences can you still participate in this year? Given the current pandemic due to the novel coronavirus, the events industry is one of the worst impacted, as governments around the world are advising citizens to adhere to social distancing measures, rendering face…
Quality Sense Podcast: Lisa Crispin – Software Observability
The who, what, why, and how of observability for teams building software In this Quality Sense episode, host, Federico Toledo, sits down for a virtual chat with Lisa Crispin. She’s recently assumed the role of Quality Owner at the low-code development platform, OutSystems, which is…
Quality Sense Podcast: Eric Proegler – Testing Mission-Critical Software
Figuring out if certain applications, like aircraft software, are ready to ship with confidence In this episode of Quality Sense, Federico Toledo invites Eric Proegler for a fun conversation on some of the bigger questions in software testing. Eric Proegler has over 20 years of…
Quality Sense Podcast: Alon Girmonsky – Testing Microservices with UP9
Challenges of testing microservices and why we need observability In this episode of Quality Sense, host, Federico Toledo intervews Alon Girmonsky, an accomplished, multi-time entrepreneur and technology leader. He’s a passionate engineer who loves building developer tools and companies. Today, he’s the CEO and co-founder…
21 Groups and Companies Testers Should Follow on Linkedin
Getting in the know on Linkedin (2020 update) Are you a tester on Linkedin? We all know the benefits of having a well-maintained Linkedin profile: recruiters reach out to you, you can show off skills and achievements, display personal recommendations, network, etc. But, did you…
Software Testing Tools We’re Watching Out for in 2020
Innovative tools our quality engineers are excited about these days Do you like to stay in the know about the most up-and-coming software testing tools? We do too! Due to the size of our team (100 testers) and to the nature of our services, we’re…
Quality Sense Podcast: Alan Richardson “The Evil Tester” – On Test Automation
Thinking critically about test automation from a developer’s perspective In these two Quality Sense episodes, Federico delves into an entertaining and eye-opening discussion with Alan Richardson, a British consultant also known as “Evil Tester.” With more than 25 years of experience in testing and development,…
Quality Sense Podcast: Paul-Henri Pillet – Why We Made Gatling
What it’s like to build a company around developer-driven performance testing In this episode of the Quality Sense podcast, our COO, Federico Toledo, interviews Paul-Henri Pillet, a Frenchman and the CEO of one of our favorite open source load testing tools, Gatling, with 5,000,000 downloads…
Webinar: Crisis-Proof Your Software Testing Budget with Federico Toledo
Sharing ways to cut costs, but not quality (and save yourself some precious time) Due to the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, companies are experiencing an increased sense of urgency to react quickly to their customers’ needs, reduce waste, and uphold business continuity. Fortunately, you…
Quality Sense Podcast: Janet Gregory – Facilitating Agile Teams and Trainings Remotely
Experiences in rapidly adapting in-person trainings to a remote setting, tips for working from home, and more with Janet What to Expect? In this episode of the Quality Sense podcast, host, Federico Toledo, interviews Janet Gregory, co-author of three highly influential books: “Agile Testing: A…
Webinar: BDD and CD with Lisa Crispin
Lisa shares why and how to align behavior-driven development and continuous delivery for better outcomes Continuous delivery (CD) is all about delivering small changes to customers frequently and without strain or stress for the team. A big part of this involves enabling shared understanding across…