4 Ways You Might Be Tricking Rather Than Treating Your Users
Are your users in for a trick or a treat? Halloween is creeping up on us yet again. It’s a night for scares, candy, tricks, and treats. While that’s good and fun, are you sure you are not inadvertently (or purposefully) tricking your system’s users?…
How Shutterfly Masters Continuous Performance Testing
How Shutterfly masters continuous performance testing by “adjusting the belt tight” Picture this, you are the owner of an e-commerce website and you want to be sure that its excellent customer experience doesn’t deteriorate over time with the introduction of new functionalities and that your…
7 Can’t-Miss Sessions on Performance at the CMG imPACt Conference 2016
We’re attending one of the hottest conferences for performance professionals. You should too! Dubbed “the best performance conference ever” by respected performance guru, Alexander Podelko, the annual conference, CMG imPACt 2016, is taking place this November 7th through the 10th in San Diego’s not-so-secret hidden gem, La…
Processes, Procedures and Methodologies (PPM) = Quality
Guest post by Felipe Silva Difilippo, Former QA Leader at Verifone What does experience tell us? Even today there are companies that still remain resistant to use Processes, Procedures and Methodologies (PPM) to perform their jobs. It seems crazy, but it is true, and it’s…
The Life of a Software Tester
Happy Day of the Software Tester! Every September 9th is a day that reminds us to take a moment to celebrate testers. It’s a great day to give them a pat on the back and send them some love. It’s also a great day to…
To Reopen, or Not to Reopen, That is the Question
Reopening a bug in Mantis Bug Tracker Recently, we published a blog post about a possible bug life cycle for which we received a lot of questions and comments that were very interesting to consider. Among the comments was this recurring question: Why didn’t you…
How to Use Monkop for Continuous Mobile Testing
Introducing Continuous Integration and More Ways to Use Monkop With mobile application testing being more important than ever for app success and maintaining a healthy brand image, developers need to make sure their apps’ performance, functionality, UX/UI, etc are in top shape. Being mobile testing enthusiasts,…
30 Days of Testing Challenge Reflection
#30DaysofTesting As I announced month ago, our testers joined in on the challenge 30 Days of Testing Challenge by Rosie Sherry from the Ministry of Testing which involved a different testing activity for each day of July. Here I’ll share mine and my colleague’s experiences over…
Gatling Tool Review for Performance Tests (Written in Scala)
Looking to try Gatling for load testing? Have you heard of Gatling for performance tests? It’s a relatively new open-source tool (created in 2012, so pretty new), that has recently been gaining popularity (250,000 downloads in four years, 60,000 of those in the last three…
Creating Testers Through Four Different Education Strategies
This article was first published by Test Huddle on June 14th, 2016. Companies consume talent that universities produce: well-educated, trained, and trainable people. I say trainable because universities teach students how to learn, which is an invaluable skill for working professionals as the learning doesn’t…
5 iPad Gestures Testers Should Know
When testing an iPad app, how can you be sure that you’re testing all the gestures that users will try to use? At the end of 2015, more than 3.2 billion people worldwide were using the Internet and over 7 million mobile subscriptions existed. For…
30 Day Testing Challenge
#30DaysofTesting The Ministry of Testing has called all testers to take a 30 day testing challenge. For each day of July, there is a new task to do related to the world of testing. At Abstracta, we decided, since we test Monday through Friday anyway,…
[Infographic] The State of the Software Testing Profession 2015-2016
Summarizing and Reflecting on the 2015-2016 “State of the Software Testing Profession” Report by TechWell Yet another survey report on the state of software testing has been published, this time by TechWell called, “The State of the Software Testing Profession 2015-2016.” You may be wondering,…
The Most Common Mistake in the Bug Life Cycle
Don’t forget this key step when debugging software The bug (or creature on Earth for that matter) with one of the shortest life cycles is the Mayfly, who, after transitioning into the adult stage of its lifespan, typically reproduces and then dies within just 30…