9 New Year Resolutions Every Software Tester Should Have for 2016
Some things testers can do to be successful in 2016 New year, new you! Isn’t that what they all say? Well, here are some software testing new year resolutions to become a better, more hirable tester and to help your company succeed in 2016 based…
The Software Testing Wheel
What are the different factors of software quality and how do we test them? Software quality… sounds vague, doesn’t it? We made a fun software testing wheel to depict all of the parts that make up the “whole” when we mean software quality. According to ISO…
Validating Modified Data in Test Automation
The importance of validating modified data in automation In test automation of any kind, we end up automatically simulating (with a tool or with a fragment of code) the action that a user would execute on the system (in the broadest meaning of the word…
Designing Performance Tests With a Little Bit of Futurology
Futurology: noun, systematically forecasting the future, especially from present trends in society I’m not going to lie, I can’t predict the future. I don’t even know what I am going to eat for dinner most days, but in testing, sometimes we have to put our…
Top 10 Testing Tools We’re Most Grateful For This Thanksgiving [Infographic]
Top 10 testing tools we love After testing millions of lines of code this year, obsessing over quality, we at Abstracta are looking forward to testing something a bit different: Thanksgiving dinner! Checking that this year’s stuffing, turkey, potatoes, green beans, pumpkin pie, etc. haven’t…
The 4 Most Common Test Automation Challenges (and How to Overcome Them)
Getting started with test automation is no easy feat, but here are some tips to pull it off effectively They say “automating chaos just gives you faster chaos,” not only faster, but (to paraphrase a song by Daft Punk) harder, faster, stronger… chaos. Automation can be…
The Career Path of A Software Tester: An Infographic
A look at the potential career path of a software tester in 5 steps A question that everyone has when starting out in testing is: What kind of future career can I have? Some career paths or job positions lead to dead ends in which…
How to Optimize E-Commerce Website Performance For Black Friday
Black Friday: What’s your Last Minute Game Plan? Time to optimize e-commerce website performance It’s almost that wonderful time of year again, the SuperBowl of shopping, Black Friday, followed by Cyber Monday. While online shoppers are creating a strategic game plan by pre-scoping out the…
Best Testing Practices for Agile Teams: The Automation Pyramid
How to apply test automation efficiently and effectively with the automation pyramid Test automation and agile software development go hand in hand, but automating is often easier said than done. Most developers recognize the benefits of test automation: it speeds up testing, lowers costs, increases…
They Say Automation Increases Test Coverage, but What Is Test Coverage Exactly?
What you need to know about test coverage Recently, I posted a blog about the ROI of test automation and its benefits. I mentioned that it increases test coverage, but do we really know what is test coverage? In this post, I’ll go into more…
7 Tips for Testing When You Don’t Have The Software Requirements Specification
How to build a software requirements specification while you test a system All of us in the testing world have had to execute testing when you don’t have the software requirements at least once, right? If not, you’re lucky! Without the software requirements specification (SRS),…
5 Things We Learned from TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015
A recap of the best moments from TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015 We can’t help but reflect upon all of the amazing things that happened last week at TechCrunch Disrupt aka, the “Startup World Series.” We are excited to see what happens in the future to all…
How To Plan Test Case Automation with Development
A strategy to implement automated checks without losing sight of manual testing The goal of this post is to show a possible way you can plan test case automation with development in order to automate tests (have automatic checks) as soon as possible, without losing…
Performance Testing in Production
Can you run performance tests in production? Imagine that we have to run a test that we’ve already designed with a good load scenario, test cases, test data, all automated and prepared in the load simulation tool that we want to use, BUT we don’t…